
One Colour Photography Challenge

Bermondsey Street

One colour photography challenge is great to improve your composition and is a first step toward understanding colour theory.

The aim of this assignment is to observe how light affects colours and to find colour patterns around you.

To start with, I invite you to use natural light as much as possible. If you haven’t done it, check my introduction to natural light, to make the best use of it.

What's your favourite colour?

Colour Wheel

If your favourite colour is black, grey or white, please pick one of the primary colours; Red, Yellow, or Blue for instance. Alternatively you can also choose one of the secondary colours; Purple, Orange or Green.

This will make sense in the coming weeks.

One Colour Photography Assignment

This week, pick a colour and share your 3 favourite ones on Instagram using the #mindfulphotolab hashtag for a repost.


  • If weather permits, plan your shoot during golden hours so the colours naturally pop-out.
  • If you’re shooting in soft light don’t forget to slightly increase contrast and exposure to have more punchy images, but don’t overdo it.

Have fun!

Post-Processing* Your Colour Photographs

* Post-processing is the process of altering a picture using your smartphone in-built software, lightroom, or photoshop to name a few.
Before Post-Processing

By post-processing your pictures you will be able to correct underexposed images, adjust colours and find your own style.

After post-processing in Lightroom © Pierre Bureau

To start with, keep in mind that there is not a “right way” to post-process your photographs. My aim is to share with you my process but ultimately you will have (maybe you have already) to find what works best for you.

  1. Adjust Exposure* in Lightroom or your smartphone (go in your library, select a picture, and press EDIT) to lighten or darken your picture

* Exposure is the amount of light that reaches your camera sensor or film. 

  1. Turn up the Vibrancy a little to make your colour “pop” but don’t overdo it.
  2. If the weather is dull, increase Contrast to make your more image more vivid.
  3. Keep in mind that post-processing is as important as taking photographs as it will give your images a unique look.
  4. Press AUTO in the EDIT tool to see what happens and adjust the various settings to suits your needs.

Participants One Colour Photography Challenge