
People & Food

Ethiopian Sunday Roast, Doro Wot

This week we invite you to capture people and food. I personally find people to be the best subject for photography. As a matter of fact, a picture with people conveys more emotions.

As you know, we will have an exhibition at the end of the course to celebrate your work and contribution to this research.

Having people along with your fascinating food photography and compelling stories will take the event to another level.

This could be family, friends, acquaintances or people serving you at the market. 

Here’s some exemples to inspire you.

Shopping Together

If you don’t want to show someone face you can focus on their hands, take a picture from behind or crop your image before sharing it.

Is there any one helping you shop ?

Or you could also take a picture of the person delivering you food at home.

Tip: If you take a picture of your local shopkeeper or delivery person focus on their hands so that they don’t feel intimidated.

Preparing Food Together

© Tanya Martineau, Peru

In this picture taken in Peru, Moises is helping his mother prepare a meal. In Peru, it is common for older children to help. Kids are often responsible for tasks like peeling potatoes, carrots, and garlic.

There’s a lot of preparation involved to get a meal on the table.

You could for exemple take a picture of

  • someone laying the table
  • or unpacking food from the market and putting it away
  • peeling and chopping vegetables
  • watching over something
  • washing up

Does anyone help you at home with food preparation ?

Tip: Focus on your subject’s hands if you don’t want to show their face.

© David Sutton

Teaching cookery

Jill’s son Oliver cooks bolognese for dinner © Jill Santopietro

Do you teach your loved ones to cook ? 

Eating Together

Eating together could be at the table, or a snack in front of the telly, or nibbling in the kitchen while watching someone cook.

You can also capture celebrations either staged or natural.

People & Food Assignment

This week take a series of photographs of people and food, and share your 3 favourites. 

Because we are doing a research project we have to respect some parameters. 

  1. The university will need permission of people whose photos are taken for the exhibition or publications. So you need to check with your family and friends if you take their photos. 
  2. If you are taking a picture of your child, you can give us permission. 
  3. If we decide to exhibit or publish a photo with people, we will need to ask them for written permission. We can do that later. 
  4. You can take photos without their faces or later we can pixelate them.

Have fun !