
The Joy of Mindful Photography

Mindful photography is mindfulness applied to the medium of photography. It’s the art of seeing the world in a different way and exploring our inner-self with a camera.

“Mindfulness means knowing directly what is going on inside and outside ourselves, moment by moment.” – Professor Mark Williams

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with repetitive thoughts. That’s why I make sure to meditate each morning to set the day on the right footing. Meditation calms my mind and grounds me while photography is a bridge between myself and the outer world.  

Mindful Photography is the harmonious combination of meditation and photography to be creative while being in the present moment. It’s a journey of self-discovery where the shadow of our unconscious mind can freely explore and play in the safe playground of the world. 

Awareness of Mind & Body

Lalibela, Ethiopia

Mindful photography is about using our cameras as an extension of our mind and body. Like meditation, it all starts with an awareness of the flow of our thoughts, body sensations, and emotions in a non-judgmental way. 

As we are more aware of our inner experience, we’re becoming more attentive to the outer world. More present to ourselves and others. And slowly we realize that the world around us is a mirror of our mind.

  • Practical Tip:

Before taking a picture take time to notice how the light affects your subject. And then, be aware of your breathing and see if you can feel any body sensations and/or emotions.

Don’t label anything as good or bad. Just acknowledge it and let it pass.

Then, take one photograph and try not to judge the result. 

Gratitude Mindfulness

Gondar, Ethiopia

It took me a while to realize that my inner voice was very critical. It’s difficult to spot them as these inner voices come from early life experiences that are so ingrained that they seem part of ourselves.

The trick is to ask ourselves “would I talk like that to my best friend?”

We want our inner voices to become our best allies since we carry them with us everywhere.

Photography is just a tool that is neither good nor bad in itself. But when our nagging voices overwhelm us with negative thoughts and believes that undermine our self-worth there’s a temptation to use photography to showcase an ideal life to be accepted and liked by others.

  • Practical Tip: 

Once you’ve identified your critical voice, you can override it by being grateful for 3 things that have happened to you on that day.

Keep in mind that being alive, having a roof and food is already a miracle.

Those grateful thoughts will create a powerful shield that will dissolve your nagging voices.

As they come back, repeat until the voices will lose their grip on you. It might take some time but it will work.

On a photographic level, use photography to explore your vulnerabilities.

Finding Beauty in the Mundane

Lalibela, Ethiopia

“The second half of a man’s life is made up of nothing but the habits he has acquired during the first half.”

― Fyodor Dostoevsky

We are defined by our habits. To improve our well-being, our way of seeing the world, and our photography we just need to create new habits instead of waiting for others and the world to change.

But the challenge is to stick to them. It takes a bit of time before they’re ingrained and become part of us while the old ones try not to die off. 

The process is often painful. That’s why it’s important to keep faith in one-self and remember that transformation is always painful because it’s uncomfortable.

Practical Tips: Start a photography project about something very personal.

Use photography as a talisman to overcome your challenges and accompany you during the process. 

And most importantly, be kind to yourself.



Mindful Photography Workshops

Our mindful photography workshops are a great introduction to mindfulness.

Through playful assignment you will be able to learn news skills, share your personal stories and improve your well-being.
