Mindful Photography Courses

Our mindful photography courses are a great introduction to mindfulness.

Through playful assignment you will be able to learn news skills, share your personal stories and improve your wellbeing.

Online Mindful Photography Course


Community Mindful Photography Course


What is Mindful Photography?


Mindful photography is mindfulness applied to the medium of photography. In a word, it’s the art of seeing the world in a different way and exploring our inner-self with a camera.

Most importantly, mindful photography is about slowing down and being kind to ourselves. As a matter of fact, everyone is welcomed – there’s no competition, right or wrong, or discussion about kit. And yes, you can use a smartphone.

“Mindfulness means knowing directly what is going on inside and outside ourselves, moment by moment.” – Professor Mark Williams

Photography as Meditation

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with repetitive thoughts especially when we’re tired.

For this reason, I make sure to meditate each morning to set the day on the right footing. Meditation calms my mind and grounds me while photography is a bridge between myself and the outer world.  

Mindful Photography is the harmonious combination of meditation and photography to be creative while being in the present moment. It’s a journey of self-discovery where the shadow of our unconscious mind can freely explore and play in the safe playground of the world. 

Our mindful photography courses offer a set of practical skills to create new habits and explore our emotions in a safe space.

“I work for the NHS and the last few months have been very challenging.

Pierre’s mindful weekly photography assignments encouraged me to look differently at the world around me when I was at the height of feeling fed up with everything going on.”  

– Hussain

What you will gain from our Mindful Photography Course?


It all started from my personal experience. In the past, I suffered from extreme anxiety. During a trip in India I was so anxious that I couldn’t leave my room for days. As a result, I bought a camera to give me help me reconnect with myself. And my journey began. 

Since then, I’ve run hundreds of mindful photography courses with community centres, and university researchers to improve mental health.

Here are a few benefits you will gain from our mindful photography:

1. Be present

In a nutshell, mindfulness is about being in the present moment. The aim of the course is to shift your attention to what’s happening inside and outside yourself, moment by moment.

Through playful mindful photography assignments you will learn lifelong practical skills.

Additionally you will learn about the way your mind operates so that you can live in harmony with your thoughts, emotions and body sensations.

2. Share your personal stories

Our daily lives is filled with stories. Through social media, Netflix, and the news we’re constantly fed with narratives that don’t belong to us. 

Let’s change that. It’s your time to tell your story because everyone has something interesting to share. 

During our mindful photography course you will learn to use your smartphone/camera to create a narrative, and value your work.

3. See the world in a different way

And finally, you will learn to see the world like a playful playground. The everyday will become magical, and you will be able to celebrate each moment as if it was a miracle.

Latest News


Stories We Tell is back! Thanks to the Arts Council National Lottery and Poplar Union we are able to offer free mindful photography courses to our local community.

At the end of the courses we will celebrate with an open day exhibition and photo-zine.

If you live in East London join us!

Check out our Meditative Photo Walk to discover the world in a different way.